
Omagh bomb dead to be remembered as the query opens

Omagh bomb dead to be remembered as the query opens

Archive photo of the consequences of the Omagh bomb in August 1998. Pale of wood and debris lie on the street outside damaged stores. The wreck of the car and the damaged wheelchair is located in the background. The office of RUC stands on a string with his hands behind his back. Another man in the headphone set and holding the book talks to the officer.

The bomb exploded at the Omagh Town Center in the hard -working Saturday afternoon in 1998 (PA/ Paul Marty)

The initial stage of the OMAGH bombing begins on Tuesday.

Hearing a commemorative life of 29 people murdered in Tyrone bombing, including a woman expecting twins.

The attack, carried out in 1998 by a real IRA, was the largest single cruelty of trouble.

Detailed portraits of the victims’ pen will be read during the interrogation, in many cases their relatives.

People injured or affected by bombing testify testimonies within four weeks of evidence.

The Trauma Center wave offers support to witnesses and their families “in a stressful and traumatic time”.

Its general director Sandra Peake said: “Experience that day will be shocking.

“For all people who influenced this terrible day, bombing is nothing but a distant memory.

“He lives with them every day.”

. The inquiry aims to determine whether the bombing could be prevented by the British state authorities.

Commemorative interrogations begin on Tuesday at the Arts Center in Omagh.

Some relatives agreed to testify directly – in other cases their statements will be issued by lawyers.

The chairman of Lord Turnbull said that he wanted to understand “the terrible consequences that people suffered from the bomb.”

The auditions will take place up to four days a week and it is expected to end on February 20.

A complex image of a boy and a young woman. The boy is on the left and has dark hair and brown eyes. He is wearing a blue shirt and looks straight at the camera. A young woman has dark Bob style hair and she is wearing glasses and a white t -shirt with a black finish. She holds ice cream.A complex image of a boy and a young woman. The boy is on the left and has dark hair and brown eyes. He is wearing a blue shirt and looks straight at the camera. A young woman has dark Bob style hair and she is wearing glasses and a white t -shirt with a black finish. She holds ice cream.

Fernando Blasco Baselga and Rocio Abad Ramos were in Omagh as part of the Language Exchange Group (Family)

The first day will remember two victims from Madrid in Spain.

Twelve -year -old Fernando Baselga was in Omagh for a visit to Ulster American Folk Park.

The 23 -year -old ROCIO ABAD Ramos was also part of the same group of language exchange that was based in Buncran in Donegal.

AND Preliminary interrogation took place in July last yearin which Lord Turnbull undertook to undertake his task “rigorously and fearless”.

The Ireland government promised to cooperate with the investigation-booms began an attack from the whole border.

View of commemorative gardens in Omagh during the 2023 ceremony on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the bombing. People sit and stand around a round pond, surrounded by 31 columns topped with mirrors to reflect light - the poles represent 29 people who died, as well as a set of unborn twins.View of commemorative gardens in Omagh during the 2023 ceremony on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the bombing. People sit and stand around a round pond, surrounded by 31 columns topped with mirrors to reflect light - the poles represent 29 people who died, as well as a set of unborn twins.

The commemorative gardens in Omagh were built to remember the victims of the Bomb (Brian Lawless/Pa Wire)

What was the Omagh bomb?

The Omagh bomb exploded in the city center in a hardworking Saturday afternoon August 15, 1998.

The streets were full of buyers, including families who bought uniforms and other materials, because the children were to return to school after the summer.

The attack took place four months after signing Agreement on Good Friday from 1998..

The international peace agreement, also known as a Belfast’s agreement, helped end 30 years of violence in Northern Ireland, known as trouble.

The treaty initiated a period of hope and optimism, but not everyone involved in the conflict supported the result of peace conversations.

The real Ira (Rira) – a republican parliamentary group – did not agree with the decision of a much larger, temporary IRA to call a suspension of weapons against conversations.

He founded his own faction and still planted car bombs in cities in Northern Ireland, some of which exploded, causing a lot of damage.

But the Omagh bomb was by far the most deadly attack of Rira.

Nine children, including a child, were among the dead.

Over 200 other people were injured, some of which survived because of life -changing injuries.

Who carried out the Omagh bomb?

Three days after the attack in 1998, the real IRA published a statement in which she states responsibility for the explosion.

He apologized to the “civil” victims and said that her goals were commercial.

Almost 27 years later, no one was convicted of conducting murders by a criminal court.

A handful of men was prosecuted on charges related to the attack, but each of them was acquitted or annulled their beliefs in the appeal.

Without protecting the criminal convictions of the victims’ family, they begin a breakthrough civil case, the suing of five men who were allegedly involved in bombing.

In 2009, the judge in this case ruled four men – Michael McKevitt, Liam Campbell, Colm Murphy and Seamus Das was all Responsible for the Omagh bomb.

Four men were ordered to pay 1.6 million GBP compensation, but an appeal against the decision delayed the compensation process.

The fifth man, Seamus McKenna, was acquitted in civil action and later He died in a roof accident in 2013.

Michael McKevitt, who allegedly was the leader of a real IRA during the bombing, He died in 2021 Cancer was diagnosed.

He spent 15 years in prison after the Irish court sentenced him to leading terrorism, a new crime introduced by the Irish government in response to the OMAGH bomb.

Michael McKevitt leaves Dublin"The Supreme Court after he began his appeal against his conviction for managing terrorism in 2008. It is bald dark, graying hair and is wearing a navy blue coat and a scarf. Michael McKevitt leaves Dublin"The Supreme Court after he began his appeal against his conviction for managing terrorism in 2008. It is bald dark, graying hair and is wearing a navy blue coat and a scarf.

The late Michael McKevitt was alleged as a real IRA leader in 1998 (PA/Niall Carson)

Colm Murphy, from Armagh, was imprisoned for 14 years in 2002, when the court in Dublin found him guilty of a conspiracy to cause omagh bombing.

However, his belief was considered dangerous in 2005 and was cleaned of the allegation during a re -breakthrough of 2010.

He He died in a hospital at the age of 70 in 2023.

In 2016 The case against Seamus Daly of Jonesborough, Armagh, Fathered.