
Siddhivinayak Temple prohibits short skirts, revealing clothes. What is the clothing? – First Post

Siddhivinayak Temple prohibits short skirts, revealing clothes. What is the clothing? – First Post

Visiting the famous Siddhivinayak temple in Mumbai, lovers must dress modestly and cover their bodies, preferably in Indian costumes.

This is due to the new advertisement about clothing, made by Shree Siddhivinayak Ganapati Temple Trust (SSGTT) for visitors to the Holy Side.

According to the notification, the clothing code intends to preserve the decor and the holiness of the temple’s premises.

Here’s everything we know about it.

Siddhivinayak temple dress

Visitors will no longer be able to enter the temple in torn jeans, short skirts or scanty clothing from next week.

Lovers were called by trust in wearing Indian costumes or other appropriate clothes that respect the spiritual and cultural meaning of the temple.

This decision was made in response to many complaints of admirers regarding improper clothing worn in the holy place.

Many thought that some clothing choices offend the atmosphere and the values ​​of the temple.

“We received repetitive requests from admirers to implement the Code of Ubior, which is consistent with the sanctity of the temple,” said the official from Trust. The step aims to maintain the tradition and cultural heritage related to the temple, while supporting the environment with mutual respect.

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Not for the first time in India

Last year, in December, the administration of the Banke Bihari temple in Vrindavan appealed against admirers, asking them not to come to the arrival in half pants, mini skirts, night suits, torn jeans, leather stripes or any reservations, citing that it is It is a place of worship and it is not a tourist place.

They appealed to maintain decorations in the temple, said Umesh Saraswat, deputy temple administration manager, as Hindustan Times.

Swami Satchidananda, the head of Sivagiri Mutt, proposed, allowing men to wear T -shirts in the temples on December 31, 2024, appearing in a fierce debate. The Chief Minister of Kerala Pinrayi Vijayan supported the proposal that led to the prosecution of interference in temple rituals with the Nair Service Society (NSS) and other dominant Hindu groups.

In June 2023, in June 2023, she was not forbidden when he was not forbidden in the ancient Kailash temple in Agra. Women were obliged to wear Sarees or Salwar curtains, while men were asked to wear Dhotis or Kurt pajamas.

The Temple of Radha hurts in Barsana, Mathura issued a similar call to admirers, asking them to stick to the clothing code and refrain from wearing skirts, torn jeans, DNA, etc.

Those who did not follow the Code of Clothing were forbidden to enter the temple of Gilahraj Hanuman in Aligarh by Mahanta.

In the same year, the temple in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, banned the pilgrims to enter the premises while wearing a short, scanty outfit, citing “indecent” outfit.

The Shri Badrinath-Kedarnath temple committee also called on pilgrims to dress modestly during a visit to the holy place to maintain the spiritual meaning of this place and prevent all actions that could negatively affect his religious holiness.

Fans of western clothing were reversed from Hindu temples in Tamil Nadu in 2016 after
court decision in Madras He said that jeans, skirts, short sleeves, bermuda shorts and tight leggings were inappropriate to spiritual worship.

Many other Hindu temples and other worship places in the nation who are on the basis of their sex, costumes or dietary choices; Some even prohibit the entry of non-vegetarians.

Also read: Padmanabhaszem Temple Dress Code: Kerala HC maintains the ban on Salwar Kameez

Similar bans international monuments

In 2024, the Basilica Minore del Santo niño de Cibu in the Philippines implemented clothing to maintain the holiness and honor of this place.

Politics said: “Visitors must dress properly because the basilo will no longer ensure a scales. Those who do not meet with clothing or with rented shawls outside will be refused entry. “

Last year, two women were refused entering the iconic Cathedral de Sevilla in Spain because of clothing considered inappropriate, in accordance with the Code of Ubiore of a religious institution.

Similar movements were observed in Italy, cathedrals or religious complexes, which often show a sign outside, indicating what you can and cannot be worn. Both men and women are won by entering with bare shoulders, stomach or knees.

In Japan, which is already known for its conservative culture, it is expected that visitors will avoid wearing revealing clothing, especially when visiting religious places.

In 2016, the Church of England banned the clergy in an excessively scanty outfit when they appeared at the altar, according to Telegraph.

In 2010, the Vatican City banned the scanturized tourists of the entrance to the Holy Christian state. According to the Italian press agency, ResentmentTourists in scanty summer clothing were told to cover up before entering Vatican City.

With entrances from the agency