
Milan Court to try the influential Chiara Ferragni for fraud related to charity claims

Milan Court to try the influential Chiara Ferragni for fraud related to charity claims

Melan (Reuters) – Milan prosecutors on Wednesday sent an Italian influence on Chiara Ferragni’s fashion for the process of fraud in connection with allegedly misleading charity claims related to the sale of Christmas cake and Easter eggs, gave her lawyers and judicial sources.

The trial was to start on September 23 outside in Milan. In the case of such crimes as fraud, prosecutors may, in accordance with Italian law, directly submit a trial without asking a judge for a preliminary trial.

In a statement, 37 -year -old Ferragni called the accusations “deeply unfair”, adding that he thinks “honestly that it is not necessary to conduct the trial to prove that I have never betrayed anyone.”

The final belief may cause one to five years.

Ferragni, which has almost 29 million watching on Instagram, was fined in the amount of almost 1.1 million euros ($ 1.14 million) in 2023 by an Italian competition for competition (AGCM) in the field of sales of Christmas cakes Pando with a packaging with packaging with packaging packaging.

Last year, she also agreed to pay at least EUR 1.2 million for charity for children in order to resolve the case regarding the sale of Easter eggs in Ferragni.

“We are strongly convinced that this case does not have a criminal significance and that every controversial element has already been resolved and resolved before AGCM,” said her lawyer Giuseppe IannaCcone and Marcello Bana.

In the case of Pandoro in Ferragni-Branded, the allegation consisted in the fact that consumers were deceived, that when buying these cakes, they contributed to the charity hospital for children, hospital pediatric hospitals of Regina Margherita.

Pandoro is an alternative to the more famous Panettone.

In the Easter Eggs case, he is influential to mislead buyers to think that they support the charity organization for children “and Bambini delle Fate”.

Ferragni, who stood a lot of negative publicity and canceled partnerships with other companies, awarded in December 2023 to the “communication error”, while the Italian government, in a direct response to controversy, tightened the rules for giving a charity.

(Reporting by Emilio Parodi, edition of Keith Weir)