
29 -year -old dad dies weeks after the explosion of New Year’s fireworks in Hawaii

29 -year -old dad dies weeks after the explosion of New Year’s fireworks in Hawaii

The fifth person died almost a month after the New Year’s fireworks explosion in Hawaii.

The Maricopa Medical Examinator Office announced on Tuesday, January 28 that 29 -year -old Kevin Vallesteros died in Arizona, where he was transported to treatment after a fatal incident, in accordance with a fatal incident Associated Press AND Hawaii news now.

Vallesteros was one of six people transported to Arizona for treatment after they were injured by an explosion at Keak Drive in Alica on January 1.

In a statement, Sister Vallesteros said that her brother “fought against his injuries and infections for as long as he could”, according to Hawaii News Now.

“It was difficult 28 days for our family and we are grateful for pouring and coca from the community in Arizona and Hawaii,” she continued, “but we are especially grateful for the highest care and love shown by Arizona Burn Burn Foundation and Valley Wise Health Medical Workers. ”

The Maricopa Medical Examinator Office did not immediately answer the people of the people for comment.

Over $ 8,500 was collected by Gofundme campaign Striving to collect donations for Vallesteros, and now to bring him home from Arizona.

“After 28 days of relentless fighting against infections and injuries – Kevin is now calm and resting with the Heavenly Father,” wrote Bobbi -amber Yamada, who organized a fundraiser online.

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After the incident, Vallesteros was transported to Arizona, “to receive more personalized care in the center of burns,” said Yamada.

She added that he burned over 80% of his body and suffered a “fracture of the left leg”.

“We appreciate you for your generosity, care and prayer,” wrote Yamada in the description of the online fundraiser. “We really appreciate it.”

The Arizona Burn Foundation has informed Hawaii News now that it will help the Vallesteros family in funeral expenses and can help in transporting the body of the 29-year-old back to Hawaii.

AND 3-year-old boy It is also among those killed in the New Year incident.