
Hellenic Club punished a fine of $ 1.2 million in connection with the problem of Canberra’s gambling, who later died by suicide

Hellenic Club punished a fine of $ 1.2 million in connection with the problem of Canberra’s gambling, who later died by suicide

Hellenic Club of Canberra refers to the decision of the Hazard and Race Commission to punish $ 1.2 million, after it was found that he broke the gambling regulations in relation to a man who later died of suicide.

Raimo Kasurinen, known as Ray, died on March 31, 2020.

Before his death, he and his wife poured hundreds of thousands of dollars on poker machines and were indebted.

After his death, his son -in -law David Chambers wrote to the gambling committee and the races of the Act, complaining that the Hellenic club failed to prevent gambling.

ABC saw a letter sent to the Kasurinen family, who said that the commission “decided to take disciplinary actions” against the club.

The Commission stated that the warning would act as “a public warning against any further improper proceedings regarding the lack of registration of problem gambling incidents.”

In the letter, the Commission said that the club allowed Mr. Kasurinen and his wife for many payments in the amount of USD 200 from cash machines, which is greater than the legal amount.

Complaints filed before death

Mr. Chambers said that in December 2019 and at the beginning of 2020 he lodged complaints about the club about the gambling of the couple before his father -in -law took his life.

He described the club’s answer as showing that she was “in denial”.

“(The Hellenic Club) was completely denied and remained denied today,” he said.

Three months after answering the club, he accepted a complaint to the gambling regulatory body, which he spent four years examining this case.

He said that his father -in -law was able to “deceive” or “cheat” EFTPOS facilities in the club to withdraw more than the legal amount of USD 200.

“(” (“) They could pay up to $ 1000 in one transaction,” he said.

He said that the couple would “hide” these transactions as “five large transactions of USD 200, which meant inserting a credit card every time (then) POP in their PIN, cheats a machine to convince you that you are making $ 200, but actually doing This five times and receiving 1000 USD in one transaction. “

In a letter sent to the Kasurinen family, the Games and Race Commission, the Act confirmed that the Hellenic Club broke the law, allowing a pair to withdraw over 200 USD from the EFTPOS facility in place, many times.

The gambling body also wrote that The Hellenic Club did not meet the gambling and racing regulations “without registering many gambling problems in gambling incidents within three consecutive trade days after realizing the incident.”

Hellenic Club refers to the decision

Hellenic Club city center

The club, which takes place in Woden and the second in Canberra CBD, says that he refers to this decision. (Delivered)

Hellenic Club said ABC in a statement that he was “disappointed” by the decision of the Gambling Commission and Racing about taking disciplinary actions against them.

From that time, he began his appeal against the findings at the ACT Civil and Administrative Court.

“The investigation concerned the recording of problem gambling incidents in the register of gambling incidents maintained by the Commission and compliance with the provisions regarding the limitations of the amount of money that can be withdrawn by club patrons via EFTPOS,” said the club spokesman.

“Hellenic Club immediately began an application for a review of decisions at the Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

“Considering these current proceedings, it would be improper if Hellenice Club commented on any substance of the commission’s decision.”

“We want no other family to suffer”

The alliance for gambling reform praised the regulatory authority of the territory for taking action, but called them to go further, the adopted model of non -cash games to help prevent damage.

“We know from two reports of the Pokies Committee in Pokies, 63 cents in each dollar passing machine comes from an addicted person,” said ABC Główny spokesman Tim Costello.

“Usually nothing happens, which is why in this case something happened and this is significant … it is so refreshing.”

ABC told the Clubsact statement that he hopes to strengthen the sector’s compliance framework through cooperation with the ACT government.

“The industry and the government raised its fears regarding the complexity of compliance frames for clubs in this area,” said the spokesman.

“The fact that the investigation in this matter took over over four years clearly indicates how complicated the current frames for clubs and the government are.”

Mr. Chambers described his deceased father -in -law as a “hard -working man” who worked seven days a week as water resistant.

He said that the activity records provided by The Hellenic Club showed that Kasurinen and his wife played over $ 345,000 since 2012, but estimated that this number was higher.

Mr. Chambers said that he and his family filed complaints to the regulatory body in the hope that he would prevent someone from losing a loved one to gambling.

“We wanted no other family to suffer what we suffered.

“If you find evidence of many EFTPO payments worth $ 200 on the same day in banking documents, immediately contact the Gambling and Race Committee.”