
Mama’s mother, who says that the decision about the wedding will make her “look bad” sparkles fury

Mama’s mother, who says that the decision about the wedding will make her “look bad” sparkles fury

The future bride says that she “broke” after the mother’s multiple interference wedding Plans have exchanged what is usually a happy event in “BIG stress Whopping. “

However, the 32-year-old fiancee asked about Reddit This week, if she exaggerated, considering that weddings can be “emotional. “

The original poster (OP) explained that her 58-year-old mother began with suggestions about places and color The programs she tolerated initially tolerated.

Her mother’s suggestions soon turned into demands. The opening of the bride criticized the opening dresscalling it “too simple” and insisted that her fiance’s family contributed more money Although they already offer financial support.

Mother and daughter argue about the punishment
Warehouse photo: Mother and daughter are arguing.


The turning point came when the bride revealed that she and her fiance decided to give up traditional sit down Dinner. Instead, they decided on a more free catering option.

“She said that she would make her look bad, as if I was throwing a low-budget party,” said Redditors Op.

“Outside the line”

The frustrated bride “snarled” and told her mother directly that she and the wedding of her fiance, not her mother. She explained to understand that if her mother was not able to respect it, she did not have to be involved.

“She immediately began to cry and tell me that I am ungrateful after” everything she did for me ” – continued Op.

“Now he plays the victim and enters my aunt and several cousins, saying that I am far away.”

After sharing her story, the bride asked if she reacted excessively, defending herself. Majority Reddit Users assured her that they were not wrong.

One user replied: “Well, it’s your wedding and she was too strong.”

Another pointed out that the weddings “in a sense in a sense to bring out a control maniac parentsBut at the end of the day it’s your day, not her.

“You tried to be patient, but she was still pushing, and setting the limits does not make you ungrateful – makes you an adult planning your own wedding.”

Confusion and injury

According to BridesWedding planning often becomes a source of tension when relatives try to take over key decisions. The publication suggests that couples should clearly communicate Their priorities early to avoid confusion or injuries.

Events Kimberly HensleyThe wedding planning service offers similar advice.

The company recommends defining roles from the very beginning, explaining family Members of how they can be involved without exaggeration and reminding them that the wedding concerns the wishes of a couple, not external performances.

OP responded to supporting users in the discussion, hoping that her mother from now on respect her decisions.

“I don’t want us to have a big accident for my wedding. This should be a happy event and not separate us. “

Newsweek contacted no-note429 to get a comment via Reddit.

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