
The hospital nurse in Uganda has been dying in the first outbreak of Ebola in the country for 2 years

The hospital nurse in Uganda has been dying in the first outbreak of Ebola in the country for 2 years

Kampali explosion can be difficult to answer, because the city has a highly mobile population of about 4 million. The nurse who died sought treatment in the hospital near Kampali, and later went to MBale, in the east of the country, where she was admitted to a public hospital. The health authorities reported that the man was also looking for the services of a traditional healer.

Emmanuel Batiibwe, a doctor who helped to lead Uganda’s efforts to stop the outbreak of the country in 2022, said The Associated Press that he was expecting a quick response in tracking all possible contacts of Ebola in Kampala and elsewhere.

“Our reaction should be fast, decisive and well coordinated,” he said, talking about the conclusions drawn from the outbreak of 2022, whose epicenter was a city in Central Uganda. “We now have a quick response means.”

Ebola, which is widespread by contact with the fluids of the infected person or contaminated materials, manifests itself as deadly hemorrhagic fever. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain, and sometimes internal and external bleeding.

Scientists do not know the natural Ebola tank, but they suspect that the first person infected in the explosion acquired the virus by contacting an infected animal or eating raw meat.

Ugandan officials are still investigating the source of the current explosion.