
The accusers of the Russell brand receive an apology from the BBC after cursing the investigation of allegations of sexual assault

The accusers of the Russell brand receive an apology from the BBC after cursing the investigation of allegations of sexual assault

The BBC has published a report with a bomb about their investigation into the alleged history of the Russell Brand sexual assault and improper behavior while working on the web in 2006–2008.

“It is very worrying that some of these people were unable to raise concerns about the behavior of Russell Brand, and the BBC apologized to this review,” BBC he said in a statement Thursday after their more than a year -old poll.

The network then belonged to its own shortcomings, adding: “It is also obvious that in some programs Radio 2 Russell Brand in Russell Brand led to the issue of content that will not be broadcast today. Russell Brand left the BBC in 2008 after a loud editorial violation. “

Peter Johnston, director of the BBC for complaints and editorial reviews, conducted the investigation, which analyzed eight separate complaints of incorrect proceedings. Published his findings in 15-page report.

The BBC has published a report on the claims that Brand Russell was sexually assaulting and got involved in improper behavior when he worked for the network. Mirrorpix / mega
The incidents allegedly took place when the brand was a presenter in the BBC in 2006–2008. Alamy Stock Photo

Johnston noticed in the documents that he looked at the claims of a woman – who was nicknamed Olivia – who claimed that this brand claimed He staged her in the bathroom BBC building in Los Angeles in June 2008.

“I turned around, and my eyes were a man’s pachy in black pants. I was surprised. And I got up and realized that it was Russell, “BBC News said in September 2023, when she first published claims.

Olivia also noticed that the brand was joking about the alleged incident when he was on the air shortly after that with his then Host Matt Morgan, writing at the BBC show: “25 minutes passed since he showed that his Willy was rolling. “

The BBC reportedly found evidence that shows that the brand revealed to a woman in one of her corporate buildings in Los Angeles in 2008. Getty images
The comedian allegedly joked about the incident for sexual assaults in the BBC program shortly after his alleged event. Wireimage

Johnston said he talked to Olivia as part of his review and stated that he was credible, stating that he learned that the alleged incident was “quite common knowledge in the BBC office in LA in LA at that time and for the following years.”

He said that it was once escaped to the management in 2019, but nothing was done, because in his opinion “people involved in the escalation of the complaint in 2019 felt that nothing could be done that was more than ten years later, and Russell Brand He left the BBC in 2008. “

Johnston also noticed “the process of compliance with previously recordings of shows during the original broadcast did not do what should”, in the misguision of the brand about what happened.

A separate prosecutor called Alice claimed that Brand was dating her when she was 16 years old and would make the company a car to pick her up from school. GC paintings
The BBC said that they found no evidence that the brand had access to cars, which, according to Alice, were used to pick it up. Wireimage

The BBC director, however, was not able to fully confirm the allegations of another prosecutor.

The woman who uses Monicker Alice had previously claimed She died with the brand when she was only 16 years old – While he was a BBC presenter – and that he allegedly used the company’s cars to pick her up from her grandmother’s school or home.

Johnston wrote in his report that he had interviewed Alice and that “he clearly remembers that the driver is elegantly dressed, in a hat and that the car and driver who took her from school was similar.”

However, the director stated that “it is very unlikely that the cars described by Alice were” BBC cars driven by a chauffeur “or BBC managing cars” because in particular these vehicles were “assigned to A
Specific, called Senior BBC Executive and was not available to Brand Russell. “

Johnston also destroyed the claim that the brand was behaving wrong in the workplace in its detailed report.

Apparently, the BBC was also found that the brand had behaved improperly in the workplace several times. BBC
Apparently he pissed into a bottle and a cup during the BBC and a formal complaint made up. Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

He wrote that in 2007 she filed a formal complaint, which claimed that the star “get him to the Greek” allegedly distant to the cup or bottle during two separate recordings of the Radio 2 program.

“I have also heard other allegations of the general improper behavior of Russell Brand, including allegations: sex in toilets/on BBC rooms; Studio exhibition; And improper commitment with the winners of the competition, “Johnston also said in the report.

The director also noticed another alleged sexual assault incident that took place when the brand was an employee.

“We were also equipped with a first-hand account by another person with an inconspicuous meeting with the Russell Brand at the BBC radio production set during his BBC involvement,” Johnston argued in the report.

“The person informed the review team that during the transfer of Russell Brand in the corridor during a conversation with him, Brand Russell put his fingers in his pants and underwear and attracted them to him.”

The brand also allegedly had an inconspicuous meeting with someone in the BBC. Getty images
However, the alleged incident was not reported at that time. Images Getty for the Recording Academy

This prosecutor reportedly did not file a formal complaint to the BBC when an alleged incident occurred.

Johnston claimed that many were hesitating before speaking, because they felt that “there was no point in complaining because they thought they would not be heard and rightly or unsuccessfully”, so “they can’t find evidence” that most of this alleged alleged behavior “was then Formally raised with management. “

Johnston said that the brand did not agree to participate in his review, but in the past he denied the allegations of him.

Page Sixth also contacted the representative of the star “Forgeing Sarah Marshall” to comment.

The 49 -year -old brand said in September 2023 – in front of the cursed display, which covered many accusations of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse – this “Absolutely” rejected these claims.

The brand denied the offense and claimed that he was a victim of “coordinated media attacks.” Russellbrand/Instagram
The brand was examined by the London police, and prosecutors are considering lodging against him. Getty images

“(It) makes me ask:” Is there another program in the game? “Especially when we saw previously coordinated media attacks,” he wondered then through Instagram.

“It seems to me that there is a serious and coordinated program to control this type of space and this kind of votes.”

Police in London started investigating In the comedian and although he has not yet been accused of crime, the authorities reportedly recommended that prosecutors do it.

If you or someone you know affect any of the problems raised in this story, call the sexual assault to the number 1-800-330-0226.