
Dzika Floraki experts say young bald eagles die of bird flu

Dzika Floraki experts say young bald eagles die of bird flu

North Fort Myers, Florida – According to local wildlife experts, two child died this week from influenza birds in south -western Florida.

The pair of eagles was known as E24 and E25.

Watch below: Baby Bald Eagles die of bird flu, say wildlife experts

Wild nature experts say that Baby Bild Eagles die of bird flu

People watched the eagles grow on popularity CAM from the south -western Florida Eagle.

Officials from Rehabilitation clinic Wildlife, Inc. On Thursday, he confirmed that the death of birds was caused by the bird of flun1 flu.

It is believed that they were infected when the father of his father, M15, brought a infected bird to the nest to feed young eagles.

The eagle ate the victim and both died within four days.

Ptana flu primarily affects birds, but CDC claims that people can also be infected.

The first American death of human H5N1 flu was previously reported In January in Louisiana.