
Deepseek does not solve this puzzle: are you intelligent enough to break it?

Deepseek does not solve this puzzle: are you intelligent enough to break it?

Deepseek is the latest AI tool that has been doing waves since its premiere. But do you know, Chatbot didn’t solve the most basic puzzle?

“Wait, it could be another angle”, “wait”, was a string of answers that Deepseek came up with after he fought for almost two minutes to solve the puzzle. After all, it couldn’t come up with the correct answer.

Do you think you would be able to solve the puzzle? Here’s what happened.

Deep Seek does not solve the basic puzzle

User X recently tried to cheat Deepek, processing a popular puzzle as a very simple problem that most people can solve in a few seconds. Completely unexpectedly, Deepseek took two minutes to solve the puzzle, and yet she could not come up with a logical answer. Sone Internet users commented that the puzzle “broke” Deepeek.

A puzzle that “broke”

The puzzle goes as follows:

The woman and her cousin have a car accident and unfortunately the woman is killed. The cousin is thrown into surgery. After looking at my cousin, the doctor exclaims: “I can’t act on this boy! He is my cousin! How is this possible?

“The answer lies in the doctor’s relationship with the boy. The doctor is the boy’s mother, but here is the phrase: the doctor is a woman who died. Wait, no – the woman died in an accident. Let’s explain … “Deepseek answered, clearly confused.

Chatgpt O1- Preview better than Deepseek?

However, it may be interesting to know that ChatgPT O1-Zreview was able to solve a similar puzzle in a few seconds. A few months ago, Reddit published how none of his students could solve the puzzle, but Chatgpt O1-Preview developed an answer in just 12 seconds.

“Neither GPT-3.5 nor 4.0, nor even O1-Mini could not be deciphered. O1-Mini studied many possibilities for several minutes, it did not get close, but eventually it did not succeed.

However, the O1 review perfectly solved the puzzle in less than thirty seconds, “said the user.