
Police nab 3 notorious criminals, recover stolen goods

Police nab 3 notorious criminals, recover stolen goods

Kamla Nagar police arrested three notorious criminals who resumed their theft after releasing from prison. The police regained stolen valuables worth 13.50 lakh, including three motorcycles and gold and silver jewelry. The arrest was made after identifying suspects with the help of the material television.

Criminals had previously completed three -year sentences for theft. However, after dismissal a few months ago they resumed criminal activities. During the initial investigation, the police discovered their involvement in six matters of theft in the areas of Kamla Nagar, Kotwals, Piplani and Taliya.

An additional DCP Rashmi Agrawal Dubey said that on January 27 Satish Kumar Nema, a resident of the Sahyadri complex, Kamla Nagar, left the house with his family to take part in a religious event. After returning, he stated that the house was plundering, broken riots and disappeared. The stolen items included gold bracelets, gold chain, pendant, three mangalsutry, four gold earrings, silver cubes, silver coins and? 25,000 in cash. The case was registered against unidentified suspicions, and a special police team was created to examine the theft during the day.

After reviewing the CCTV material from the crime scene, the police noticed two suspects home. They were identified as ordinary criminals Niyaz Khan and Paradise Khatri. Later, they both were arrested near Shastri Nagar, where they confessed to committing a crime with their partner Abid Khan. Based on confession, the police recovered three stolen motorcycles and gold and silver jewelry worth? 13.50 Lakh from various locations in Kamla Nagar, Kotwals, Piplani and Taliya.

The arrested persons were identified as Niyaz Khan (40), a resident of Bangalore, Karnatak, currently living in Gadde Wali Multi, TT Nagar; Paradise Khatri (52), resident of Gadde Wala Multi, TT Nagar; I Abid Khan (47), resident of Asht, Sehore district. Three are long -term colleagues. Niyaz and Paradise were previously sentenced to three years in prison for theft and were released in October and November last year.

According to the Police Station in Kamli, Nagar Pandey, the accused would change the number of stolen motorcycles before using them for burglary and theft.