
Clark County School District decides a lawsuit on the alleged sexual assault of the 7-year-old

Clark County School District decides a lawsuit on the alleged sexual assault of the 7-year-old

Las Vegas (Classes)-Federal judgment awarded the family $ 200,000 after the lawsuit claimed that their 7-year-old daughter was sexually attacked in the bathroom in Primary School Bertha Ronzone in February 2023.

A lawsuit filed against the school district of Clark (CCSD) claimed that the teachers did not report the assault that took place when the kindergarten student allegedly attacked the girl. The incident was reportedly not transferred to parents, director or child protection services (CPS).

“As soon as we lodged a complaint, the school district dissolved this matter very quickly,” said Marjorie Hauf, a lawyer representing the family. “They recognized the seriousness of the problem.”

According to the claim, the girl was encouraged by the boy to enter the boys’ bathroom, in which the assault took place. Despite the incident reporting to the teacher, the girl was allegedly ordered to do it again. The next day, she allegedly attacked by the same boy and informed another teacher who also did not report the incident.

The lawyer said that he considers the boy who allegedly attacked the girl for the victim. According to the family, the settlement will provide funds for girls’ counseling.

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