
A 22-year-old woman jumps today because of the Hostel Hostel building

A 22-year-old woman jumps today because of the Hostel Hostel building

According to police officers, Ritoji bass, from Bengal Zachodni

Published date – February 4, 2025, 15:34

A 22-year-old woman jumps today because of the Hostel Hostel building

Hyderabad: A 22-year-old woman died by suicide in Madhapur at the end of Monday. Ritoji Basu, from Bengal West, stayed in the hostel in Siddiqnagar with one sharp for the last year.

“On Monday evening, around 22.30, she went to the sixth floor of the hostel building and jumped. She died on the spot – said the police in Madhapur.

In the case of information, the police reached the place and moved the body to a posthumous to the general hospital in Osmania. The case was registered.

The police are trying to determine the reasons that prompted the woman to take a drastic step.