
Dale may discover Nancy’s biggest secret in New Revival

Dale may discover Nancy’s biggest secret in New Revival

King of the hill Is now in the works on a new revival series, and maybe it’s time for Dale Gribble to learn that Joseph isn’t actually his biological son. King of the hillThe original series ended as close to perfect as an animated series could hope to achieve. It ended without many secrets for the remaining characters and teased us that they were all heading into a bright future even though we wouldn’t be following them anymore. Since King of the hill returns with a new series, there will undoubtedly be shocks.

Józefa origin was one of the main subplots Down King of the hill although Dale had nothing but love for his wife and son, it became clear early on that his son was in fact the biological child of John Redcorn, a man with whom Nancy Gribble had many affairs. Despite Dale being paranoid and distrustful of the world around him, he never really had any doubt that Joseph was his son, despite the glaringly obvious event that had transpired before him. But with new episodes, it may finally happen and we’ll see what Dale thinks about it all.

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Will Dale find out about Joseph?

According to updates from people involved in production, King of the hillThe new revival series takes place almost ten years after the events of the original series. This means that almost ten years have passed and Joseph is getting older and John Redcorn himself is probably losing patience with not being as involved in his biological son’s life as he would like. This was one of the key plot points of the original series between Dale and John, but the two eventually developed a friendship that seemed to temporarily settle things between them.

But ten years is a long, long time. Many changes have been made to the characters on the show that are more than just everyone getting older. Joseph himself always proved curious about why he was so different from his parents, and the adult Joseph was even more likely to finally connect the dots. It’s something that may have even happened off-screen several years before the new series’ stories that we’ll see when they premiere.

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Why doesn’t Dale care

But the question of whether Dale finds out that Nancy has betrayed him won’t ultimately matter. Even though he may feel betrayed by Nancy, Dale still shows nothing but love for his son. As seen many times in the original King of the hill series Dale is a great father. While he has his flaws when it comes to having eye-to-eye contact with his son, they ultimately share a very close bond. It even went so far as to challenge Dale to the point that Joseph was not directly his biological son, and he didn’t budge.

In the season 6 episode “Of Mice and Little Green Men”Dale actually faced the idea that Joseph was not his son. This was roundabout because he believed his wife was impregnated by aliens and it was Hank who urged him not to give up. Hank told Dale that he was the one who was there for all the important moments in Joseph’s life and that was why he was his father. This was what Dale needed, and it allowed him to confidently claim Joseph as his own. In Dale’s way (even convincing himself that he must have been abducted and these were his genes that were implanted into Nancy), this is how Dale overcame his doubts that the son before him was not his.

So even if he discovers that Joseph is not his biological son, he has already gone through the process of accepting Joseph. He has already overcome his doubts and, in any case, loves Joseph as his son. It won’t change his relationship with his son, and while it may change things for his relationships with Nancy and John Redcorn, in the end, Dale will still love Joseph.

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Anyway, Dale might already know

There’s also a good chance that Dale already knows all this anyway. In addition to “Of Mice and Little Green Men” teasing out the fact that Dale already suspected that Joseph was not his own son, there were a few key examples that led to Dale putting the pieces together himself. It’s teased that Dale may be too oblivious to truly understand what’s going on with him (which adds to the tragic irony of his paranoia), but it may also be that he’s fully accepted reality and is simply not acknowledging it outwardly .

The two most important examples you can point to here are “Vision Quest” from Season 7, where Dale literally sees his subconscious telling him that John Redcorn is Joseph’s father. The second is Season 12’s “Untitled Black McCormick Project,” in which John Redcorn’s daughter shows up in the neighborhood and Dale discovers she shares similar DNA with Joseph. In both cases, his thoughts are so off the mark that he convinces himself that he is still genetically involved. This important evidence shows that deep down Dale probably understands that Joseph is not his own.

So while King of the hill a new awakening may be the moment Dale finally realizes that Joseph is not his genetic son. This isn’t the first time he’s discovered this fact either. We’ve seen plenty of examples of Dale facing this reality only to reject it, so it’ll likely be the same here. But there is unfortunately one big difference this time, and that is Johnny Hardwick’s overall role in the revival.

Johnny Hardwick, voice actor for Dale Gribble, he was reportedly only able to record “a few” of his episodes before his tragic death. If this big scene were to happen, it might not be in one of these episodes. If Dale is recast for the show’s future, it would be strange to do this kind of story without the famous actor who brought him to life. This is all a crazy hard tightrope to walk, but King of the hill the team will likely be up to the challenge of a new revival.