
Calgary Wildlife releases bald eagle that has been nursed back to health

Calgary Wildlife releases bald eagle that has been nursed back to health

A Calgary wildlife organization is celebrating the release of an eagle taken into its care after being found injured.

The Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society says the bald eagle was lying on its side at Glenmore Reservoir. He was thin, dehydrated, and there was blood pooling under his beak.

Staff believe the eagle was injured in flight.

The eagle was cared for at the center for a week and then released on December 28.

“The release of this beautiful bald eagle as the last patient in 2024 is a poignant reminder of why we do what we do,” said Executive Director Beki Hunt.

“All wild animals, large and small, will continue to require our help and commitment to rehabilitate and return to their natural habitats.”

In 2024, Calgary Wildlife saw nearly 2,300 patients, logged over 7,500 wildlife hotline calls and conducted 135 wildlife educational presentations

More information about the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society can be found on the organization’s website website.