
Tusla inspections reveal ‘unsatisfactory’ management of cash benefits for foster carers – The Irish Times

Tusla inspections reveal ‘unsatisfactory’ management of cash benefits for foster carers – The Irish Times

Internal management audit Tusła on cash benefits for foster carers in the north Dublin area, some practices were found to be “unsatisfactory”.

The report, obtained under freedom of information laws, warns that mismanagement could potentially lead to financial losses for the Children and Family Agency.

The cash payments audit examined 25 sample cases in the north Dublin area for compliance with the National Policy on Financial Payments and Benefits in Foster Care.

In one case, it revealed an overpayment of €2,170 to a foster carer due to discrepancies in the calculation of foster care rates.

The audit also revealed premature payment of cash allowances of just over €5,000. It was noted that in a specific case, consent was issued before the necessary documentation was completed.

The audit, published internally in September last year, also found cash benefits worth a total of €11,036 had been awarded to foster carers without appropriate supporting documents.

The audit found that in one case payments were increased by €100 a week “without any documentation to justify this increase”.

The audit also found that overpayments totaling €6,320 occurred because social workers “delayed notification of the end of placement by (between) three and 43 days.”

It said the payment forms “revealed deficiencies in cash benefits approval processes,” which included some forms that were not fully signed by authorized staff and others “were not approved by authorized staff.”

The audit note stated that “the lack of documented consent increases the risk of unauthorized or improper payments.”

He added that “incorrect rates used in calculations can lead to overpayments or underpayments, impacting the integrity and accuracy of the payment process.”

The audit also found that the lack of supporting documentation “indicates poor controls and may lead to unnecessary outflows of funds” as well as “potential loss of cash due to potential non-recovery of overpayments.”

The report’s recommendations included more frequent reviews of policy on payments and allowances for people in foster care.

“Management will ensure that all monetary benefits are supported by appropriate documentation prior to processing and will maintain and periodically review limited access to (systems) to prevent unauthorized modification of rates.” that said.

He also urged management to ensure forms, letters and payment schedules are “fully signed off by authorized staff before payments are processed.”

Problems have also been identified in the Sligo Leitrim/West Cavan area.

That report noted an overpayment for child aftercare and “the inappropriate recording of €1,405 in additional maintenance payments paid in April and July 2023, while some foster care cash benefits were missing approved payment initiation forms.”

A separate review was also carried out of the adequacy and completeness of Tusla’s review procedures for assessing the effectiveness of controls mitigating corporate risks.

It said “the online risk register provides a risk notification structure but lacks clear definitions of reporting lines and notification pathways, including responsible persons.”