
Church wakefulness in memory of a stabbed with a knife of 12-year-old student Leo Rossa

Church wakefulness in memory of a stabbed with a knife of 12-year-old student Leo Rossa

Simultaneous prayer vigils for a 12-year-old student from Birmingham, Leo Rossa, took place in two churches in the Hall Green and Yardley Wood districts.

During the two-hour services, which took place the day after the accusation of the 14-year-old of the murder of Leo and six unrelated assaults, every five minutes prayers for Leon, his family and friends were refused.

The police in West Midlands confirmed on Saturday that the alleged killer Leo, whose name cannot be revealed because of his age, was detained temporarily and was to appear before the court in Birmingham on Monday, after he was also charged with having an object with a blade.

Flowers laid at the entrance to the rural park where Leo was stabbed (Matthew Cooper/PA)

According to post in social media, Sunday services at Christ Church in Yardley Wood and ST Peter’s Church in nearby Hall Green took place so that churches could “unite with the whole community to surround Leo, his family and friends with our love and prayers” . published by Saint Peter.

Services made it possible to lay flowers and Land inflammation to Leon’s memory.

Speaking during the Sunday service preceding the prayer vigil, vicar of the Basilica of St. Piotr, the Reverend canon Martin Stephenson, said: “In our community there is currently a celebration after the tragic and terrifying murder of Leo Rossa.

“Our hearts, our prayers and our love are headed towards his family and friends.”

Leo, “Wonderful and smart” student Christ Church, Church of England Secondary Academy in Yardley Wood, died on Tuesday in the hospital after he was pushed in the Shire Country Park.

Homage painted on a wooden fence near the Leo school (Matthew Cooper/PA)

The school confirmed that the boy accused of murder was not among her students and did not study in her before.

Meanwhile, on the Gofundme website founded by a relative of substitute LEO tutors in order to collect funds for the Daniel Baird foundation, a charity organization fighting with a knife crime, donations worth over 9,700 pounds were collected.

The foundation, founded after the 26-year-old Baird was fatally pushed with a knife in the Digbeth region in 2017, works to raise awareness about the importance of the availability of publicly available sets for stopping bleeding.