
Listen: Baxter Man accused of sexual assault crime – Brainerd Dispatch

Listen: Baxter Man accused of sexual assault crime – Brainerd Dispatch

Our newsroom sometimes reports stories under the “staff” line. Often the “staff” line is used when rewriting basic information messages that come from official sources, such as a city press release about closing the road, and which require a small or any reporting. Sometimes this line is used when the message contains many authors or when history is created by aggregating previously reported messages from various sources. If external sources are used, they were recorded in history.

Hi, I’m a Brainerd shipping. I started working a few days before Christmas in 1881 and became a daily article two years later. I have undergone many changes for years, but my involvement in the community and local journalism has never changed. I have a whole team of devoted people who work at night and day to make sure that I leave every day, whether in print, as an e-edit, via application or with additional information at News, weather, sport – films, photos, podcasts and social media – all include stories from Central Minnesota about their neighbors, lakes, communities, challenges and possibilities. This is all part of the effort to connect and inform people. And we couldn’t do it without support.