
Students affected by the accident received the necessary support – FBC News

Students affected by the accident received the necessary support – FBC News

Students affected by the accident received the necessary support – FBC News

(Source: in delivery)

The Ministry of Education has activated an emergency protocol to help families whose children were involved in a tragic accident at Navuniyasi Saumakia Junction village in Naitasiri on Monday.

Minister Aseri Radrodro additionally says that ministry officials are assessing the circumstances of the accident to increase safety in schools and school activities.

Seventeen students of Naitasiri Secondary School were involved in an accident on Monday morning. They suffered minor injuries, were treated and discharged home the same day.

Article continued after announcement

Radrodro calls on all stakeholders to emphasize the importance of safety awareness and vigilance during school events.

Minister of Education Aseri Radrodro

It says parents, guardians, teachers and students should stay informed and actively put safety first to prevent future incidents.

The Minister states that this unfortunate incident is a reminder of the fragility of life and the strength of the Fijian community.

(Source: in delivery)

He says the school provided lunch to affected students in a conference room at Vunidawa Hospital, and Substance Abuse Advisory Board advisors also provided psychosocial support.

Radrodro says teachers were also present at the hospital to provide moral support.

Yesterday, SAAC counselors organized another psychosocial support session for affected students at the town hall in Nakorosule village.

Radrodro adds that at the moment it is impossible to provide details about the probable cause of the accident because police officers are still investigating.

The Compassionate Pass for students will be activated after receiving the necessary reports and recommendations from the Naitasiri Sub-Divisional Medical Officer and the school principal.

Additionally, Radrodro says that based on the police and medical report, the school principal will assist injured students, parents and guardians to complete and submit claims to the Fiji Accident Compensation Commission.