
The Milford school offers ASL as a world language course

The Milford school offers ASL as a world language course

(WFSB) – American Sign Language is a course that is growing in popularity in elementary schools, but many middle schools in the state do not offer it as a world language course.

However, it is being offered for the first time at Milford’s Harborside High School.

Harborside Middle School has it.

Conversation in class is minimal. We focus on the hands.

“We learned the alphabet, how to spell our name and sometimes we did activities,” said Harper Kranyak, a sixth-grade student.

Harper said she has always been interested in American Sign Language.

“Me and my friend, when we stayed overnight, we always used my computer and tested how to use sign language,” she said.

Now he learns not only sign language, but also the language of deaf and hard of hearing people.

“She showed us some videos of people, like the way they listen to music and stuff like that,” Harper said.

In the sixth grade it was proven that people are more alike than different.

“Even if you’re deaf or not, you can still do things that other people can do,” Harper said.

ASL teacher Kimberlina Gerena said she was impressed by her students’ enthusiasm.

“They are excited,” Gerena said. “My experience with them so far is that when they learn the words, they are as expressive as they should be in ASL, so it’s nice to see that.”

The district started the course after sending out a world languages ​​survey last fall.

Harborside Middle School Principal Steve Gottlieb said one-third of students have chosen to learn ASL.

“The students really like it,” Gottlieb said. “At lunchtime, I see a lot of students practicing this in the dining hall.”

As of 2022, ASL was offered in 78 school districts.

Harper said more districts should offer such classes.

“If you learn this, you can give people a chance to talk to other people who are hearing impaired,” she said.