
Understanding the ballot question: College Referendum

Understanding the ballot question: College Referendum

When Superior voters go to the polls on Election Day, one of the questions they will be asked on the ballot concerns the operational referendum in Superior school districts.

In 1993, the state of Wisconsin imposed a cap on the revenue a school district could receive from local property taxpayers. This cap has not kept pace with annual inflation, meaning spending has increased more than the money received by school districts.

The Superior School District is seeking a property tax increase to help fund schools after closing one school and laying off more than 50 employees. The referendum aims to increase property taxes on homes valued at $200,000 by $14 a year for the first two years, $54 in the third year, $108 in the fourth year and $158 in the fifth year.

Referendum on universities. Forecast for 5 years (Referendum2024 – Superior School District)

The question on the Superior ballot is: Will the Superior School District in Douglas County, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit set forth in Section 121.91 of the Wisconsin Statutes by $2,500,000 per year for the 2024–2025 school year and by $3,500,000 per year for the 2026–2026 school year? 2027 school year by $4,500,000 for the 2027–2028 school year and $5,500,000 for the 2028–2029 school year for non-recurring purposes for operational and maintenance expenses, including educational programming, facility maintenance, and security updates?

PREVIOUS REPORTS: Graduate School Administration provides insight into November referendum question –
College Board Votes to Add Referendum to November Ballot –
Superior School District Will Not Renew 25 Teacher Positions –
Wisconsin Education Workers Fight to Retain Teachers –

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