
A Marietta High school teacher has pleaded not guilty to assault charges

A Marietta High school teacher has pleaded not guilty to assault charges

PARKERSBURG, Va. (WTAP) – A Marieta High School teacher was indicted on Monday.

Christopher Van Reeth, 36, pleaded not guilty to a charge of assaulting a student.

According to Marietta Municipal Court, he was issued a temporary restraining order (TPO) and sent to a pretrial hearing. A pre-trial hearing date has not yet been set.

He was arraigned on November 8, but was originally scheduled for November 18.

Van Reeth is accused of grabbing the student’s hood to pull up his head. The student stated that he returned home with red marks on his neck and later received a medical diagnosis of an acute neck muscle strain.

You can read more about this in our previous article here: Marietta High School teacher accused of assaulting a student

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