
The story and ending of the Cursed Digicam are explained

The story and ending of the Cursed Digicam are explained

A reminder story Downpourwith a cursed camera that resembles the modern version Fatal Frame, Cursed digital camerathe story is both morbid and terrifying. As you discover the last place you saw your daughter alive on camera, you discover the disturbing truth about the park there.

Developed by masters of independent horror (known, among others, Closing the shift, Shinkansen 0, ParasocialAND Baths), HHere’s our Chilla’s Art’s recap Cursed digital camera: its story and ending explained.

Warning for major spoilers and dark themes throughout.

Plot summary of the Cursed Digicam

A cracked lens overlooking a park scene is the beginning of Cursed Digicam
What does a broken lens mean? Screenshot by Dot Esports

The story is about a father searching for the soul of his missing daughter, Mitsuki. After his sudden death in the park an unspecified period of time before the start of the game, our hero feels guilty and tormented by loss. He feels the need to find her soul and free it. But how? Finding a strange website that promises deliverance to any lingering spirits, he is provided with a camera created by a psychic. This gives us our main goal Cursed digital camera: Take 15 photos of a ghost to receive a message from it.

The game takes place in a local park, the place where Mitsuka was last seen alive. Searching for answers and a way to free her from purgatory, our heroine sets out for the park, greeted by paranormal phenomena, those who are desperately trying to cling to life, trapped in the place of their death. But will we find Mitsuka that easily?

The story of the cursed Digicam explained

Cursed digital camera begins with a glimpse into what we believe to be Mitsuka’s final moments. A shot of a quiet park with rides in the distance, our story begins with the daughter’s voice: “I can play on the swing by myself, I’ll show you. Okay, from here to the slide, let’s see who gets there first” The camera cuts out and we learn that Mitsuka died in the same park, hearing what were likely her last words as our introduction to Cursed Digicam. The choice of camera is interesting here, as it suggests that someone was recording the events. The sound and image of the lens cracking could indicate Mitsuki falling and hitting her head or the exact moment when the tragedy occurred.


Dark shot of an old computer in the protagonist's house in Cursed Digicam
You can’t fix everything. Screenshot by Dot Esports

We learn that our hero is tormented by the death of his daughter. Therefore, her one-way communication with him probably existed long before he came into possession of the cursed camera. She talks to him on a pay phone in the park, asking him to come home because she has a headache. You can see it clearly after the jump our hero regrets his negligence that led to the death of his daughteras we were told, he was too busy to go with her to a nearby park. The dialogue indicates this from the very beginning the daughter probably died as a result of a brain injury after falling from a slide.

We see a lot images of a girl submerged in water or pushed into objects. This likely has to do with her current confinement as a ghost and her desperation to be seen and released. Alternatively, the water level we see may indicate how she died, and being confined in a tight space may indicate how her body was disposed of. We learn from press reports that the girl went missing at 8 p.m. What we initially thought was an accident may have been foul play. Is it possible that the recording initially showed Mitsuka talking to a man in a mouse suit and not her father?

Mouse mascot

Dark shot of mouse head on tall schoolgirl
Guilt showed up. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Child spirits are not the only beings trapped in purgatory. Our hero is stalked by a humanoid figure in a mouse mascot costume. And the worst part? It does not count towards the 15 images needed to progress. So the question arises: is the mouse mascot a real person? Could it be that something more nefarious had happened to the girl? He disappears as he approaches, changing the perspective of his identity from a stalker to an imaginary friend or ghost, but from the mascot posters scattered around the park, it’s clear that the girl is trying to show you what happened to her. You came to know this character through the children’s drawings, which indicates that Mitsuka probably interacted with this mascot long before his parents knew of his existence.

Following you around the park, the mouse appears more and more often, but never in the scenes where the girl is submerged in water. Rather, it seems that the mouse appears when he tries to attract it. From rolling a soccer ball around the park to peeking through the bathroom doorway, the mouse tried everything it could to get caught. The girl knew this and tried to call for help by dialing the only number she knew: 110.

Home alone

A ghost standing at the front door, next to a pile of garbage bags
I don’t think that’s your daughter. Screenshot by Dot Esports

After taking 15 photos and sending them to the Spirit Liberation Center, you will receive an mp4 file that will allow you to view your memories. A girl runs into the park’s restrooms and cries in a stall while a character (shown from a first-person perspective) follows her inside. You’re coming home. It looks just like the building you saw next to the park where the mouse mascot was photographed on the balcony. Are you and the mouse the same person?

The more photos you take, the more terrifying the contents become as the girl’s ghost begins to transform into a tall, slender creature. A strange combination of a mouse mascot and a tall, slim version of the dead girl. The creature tries to make contact, becoming faster and more aggressive with each photo taken of it. Mitsuki’s bedroom is covered in fragments of mouse drawings, and on the floor there is a stuffed mouse with a decapitated head and bloody school clothes. Photos of an intense fight against hostile forces turn into a single, repeating photo of your daughter holding a teddy bear next to her face.

The second video reveals Mitsuka actually died at home after falling in the middle of the night, where her father finds her shortly thereafter. The missing person poster has a different name on a face that we thought was our daughter. Were we taking photos of the wrong girl?

It turns out that Manami Kudankidnapped girlwas murdered by Mitsuki’s fathercharacter. The game ends after Mitsuki calls the police. As the credits roll, sirens are heard and the police arrive at his apartment. Instead of going to prison, the father jumps from the balcony, and on the damn camera we see another crack, this time indicating the death of our hero. A girl in purple pajamas follows him as the mouse picks up the camera.

The ending of the Cursed Digicam has been explained

Bloody Mitsuka crawling out of the bathtub towards the phone in the Cursed Digicam ending
Whose crime scene is this? Screenshot by Dot Esports

Although the narrative is a bit confusing to understand, we can piece it together the girl we photographed in the park is actually Manami Koudan. We know this because these images can be sent to the Spirit Liberation Center. Only after uploading photos of Mitsuki, your daughter, do you get an error stating that your loved one died more than 13 days ago.

The missing person poster at the beginning and end of the game featured Manami, not Mitsuka. Her name has been redacted and we only see an image of the little girl at the beginning of the game, leading us to believe that she is his daughter since that is the only information she gives us at the time. He sets out to rescue Manami, forgetting what his real daughter looked like. But what does this mean? Since the story ends quite abruptly after Mitsuki’s summons, we question the validity of this final event. Mitsuka emerges from the bathtub wearing a bloody pajama, the same one she was wearing when she fell earlier. Both children appear to have worn the same sleepwear, but only one was murdered by his father.

What happened to Mitsuka?

A portrait of Mitsuki in her bedroom with bloody clothes on the ground on the left
We’ve seen this mouse before. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Our interpretation is based on mysterious events Cursed digital camera is this it Mitsuka died at home, and the heroine tried to replace her by kidnapping Manami (the girl we take photos of in the park). It was impossible to take her painting or liberate her soul because she died over 13 days ago. That’s why the camera wouldn’t capture her image. In our opinion, what happened was that Mitsuka went to the park alone, playing with her imaginary friend in the form of a stuffed mouse. She went on the slide and fell, hitting her head on the floor. She tried to call her father for help, telling him she had a headache when she got home, but he didn’t take it seriously enough due to his work schedule. Mitsuka suffered a brain injury, fell and died (probably from swelling).

What happened to Manami?

Missing persons poster with Manami
The truth revealed. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The grieving father dresses like the character Mitsuka loved, wearing the suit he used for work, and lures Manami to his place. While we can assume that he was trying to replace his daughter, events become more shocking when she is killed by him. Based on the photos shown, Manami was kidnapped in the park and died in the hero’s house, probably by drowning. A cursed camera haunts his father, reminding him of his horrific deeds. It is clear that he was tormented not only by his daughter’s passing, but also by the guilt of taking another life, as innocent as his daughter’s.

The reasons for killing the second girl are unknown, but judging by the beginnings, we interpret that he was trying to replace Mitsuka with Manami. But the guilt could never go away. He couldn’t stand the constant reminder of Manami walking around the house in Mitsuki’s pajamas and staying in her bedroom with her dead daughter’s name on the door. Since he had already kidnapped her, he felt trapped and his only option (in his tortured mind) was to drown Manami and cut up her body, then throw her pieces into garbage bags.

Who called the police?

Although the daughter is seen talking on the phone, this cannot be true as she died before Manami. It is more likely that the father admitted his guilt and jumped out of the apartment, ending his own life.

Why did the girl jump from the balcony?

The most mysterious part Cursed digital camera However, did the girl follow the hero after jumping off the balcony? While the mouse picking up the cursed camera suggests that ghosts are still alive and haunting the lens, it’s puzzling why the girl in the purple pajamas followed him to the ground. We guess that the girl was Mitsuka, who followed her father into the afterlife as the last ghost he saw. This makes sense because the guilt followed him wherever he went. The end of his life was liberation, which Mitsuka had to pass on peacefullybringing justice to Manami’s shocking end and getting her father to confess to neglect and murder.

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