
Parents threaten teacher with legal action for taking their son’s phone in class

Parents threaten teacher with legal action for taking their son’s phone in class

After her school implemented a new “no cell phone” policy, a teacher admitted she was having difficulty managing technological disruptions in the classroom.

In an attempt to alleviate the problem and refocus students’ attention, the educator sent a reminder of this rule to all students’ parents. However, one parent’s reaction was shocking to say the least.

Not only did she claim that the school’s policy was this particular teacher’s revenge against her son, but she also threatened “legal action” if his phone was ever confiscated.

A parent threatened legal action if a teacher took away his son’s phone during class.

“So our school just introduced a total ban on phones,” the teacher wrote Reddit post since deleted. “We have the full support of administrators and can enforce it in any way we see fit in our classrooms.”

A high school student talks on a cell phone during class Drazen Zigic | Shutterstock

Given the disruption that technology creates for students in modern classrooms, it makes sense that many schools are introducing regulations and bans on the use of cell phones. They consume students’ lives and negatively impact everything from their reading and writing comprehension to their ability to concentrate and mental health.

However, this parent did not believe her child was part of the “problem” and wrote emails to all of her teachers reminding them of her expectations for a school-wide ban.

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Even though her son had learning disabilities, the parent passionately defended his cell phone use.

“I must repeat that I will NOT allow some teachers to take my child’s phone away. This is their and You must not take it” the parent wrote in an email. “If I receive a notification that their phone has been taken, my legal team will contact you.”

Demeaning teachers and underestimating the importance of the ban, the mother added that “ordinary teachers” must not cross the line by taking away her son’s phone.

Although many readers speculated that this mother was completely unaware of her son’s classroom behavior, this poster certainly confirmed it.

“This is a sophomore with a reading and writing level at the level of a second-grade student”- explained the teacher. “They can only write two sentences.”

So no – it’s not just about the student’s “property”, but about the future of his or her educational career and success. Many commentators decry this parent’s priorities because phones are a distraction that clearly harms his ability to concentrate and learn.

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Phone bans in the classroom have been shown to positively impact student success.

According to Pew Research Center“72% of high school teachers say their main problem is students being distracted in the classroom by cell phones.”

Clearly, this is a problem that needs solving, and phone bans are the most obvious solution.

The evidence shows that school-wide cell phone bans deserve the occasional outcry from parents and students.

Florida schools have already seen positive changes in students’ performance and behavior following last year’s ban on the use of mobile phones in schools – with a decrease in the number of bullying cases and higher average grades.

“Cell phones are like cars and a driving license; they are a privilege, not a right. If it is a distraction, it needs to be addressed,” one teacher concluded.

“Parents need to understand that phones do not help their children learn. Yes, they are an important security tool… to be used where appropriate; not to check social media or play games.”

RELATED: Mom wants to report her daughter’s teacher for taking her phone and not giving it back because he ‘needs to learn not to use it in class’

Zayda Slabbekoorn is a news and entertainment writer at YourTango focusing on health and wellbeing, social policy and human interest stories