
Williamsport mother faces crime after allegedly abandoning children for an hour | News, sports, work

Williamsport mother faces crime after allegedly abandoning children for an hour | News, sports, work

April Bridges, 31, of 1417 Scott St., was charged with criminal endangering the welfare of children for leaving her 8-year-old son and 15-month-old daughter alone for several hours July 26 while the family lived in, city police said in an affidavit , that it is located at 2100 Cummings Street.

The son told police that he provided care for his sister while they were alone “with water drinks, Gatorade and leftover cake. He said he didn’t eat or drink anything during the day because he was more concerned about whether his younger sister would be taken care of,” he added. – the officer wrote in the document.

A few hours later, a neighbor learned the children were alone, offered help and contacted a family member to pick them up, police said. Following her recent arraignment before District Judge Christian Frey, Bridges was released on $15,000 bail.

She has since waived her preliminary hearing.