
A teacher and her husband attacked the school principal during a meeting regarding their son’s behavior

A teacher and her husband attacked the school principal during a meeting regarding their son’s behavior

DELTONA, Fla. (WKRC) – A married couple was arrested Tuesday morning after authorities say they attacked a school principal during a meeting about their son’s behavior.

According to FOX35, Dagmarie Aponte, an elementary school teacher, and her husband, Jorge Rivera, attended a meeting with the resource officer because their son was accused of pushing a girl at school on Monday.

Volusia Sheriff sent body camera footage on Instagram and many users including Police Bodycam Videos he posted the recording on YouTube.

Police said that during the encounter, Rivera became irate and was asked to leave. According to FOX35, then in the hallway, Aponte allegedly pushed the resource specialist against a wall while Rivera punched her in the head, knocking her to the ground.

Rivera then stole a Taser from a resource officer, but the officer pulled her firearm and forced Rivera to drop the gun. A school teaching employee was taken to hospital due to symptoms of concussion.

Both parents face multiple charges, including battery on a law enforcement officer. Rivera also faces charges of armed robbery, common larceny and hate crimes after allegedly using a derogatory slur during the attack.

Aponte was released from prison Tuesday evening on bail. Rivera is in custody at the Volusia County Jail.