
Where are Anabel Segura’s attackers today?

Where are Anabel Segura’s attackers today?

As a documentary series that lives up to its title in every way, Netflix’s 900 Days Without Anabel can only be described as incredibly intriguing. This is because it delves into the 1993 kidnapping and murder of 22-year-old Anabel Segura from outside her affluent neighborhood in Spain, only for the truth to come to light only in 1995. Her attackers were actually Emilio Muñoz Guadix and Candida. Candi’ Ortiz Aon and his ex’s wife, Felisa Garcia, also appear as fronts, so here’s what we know about them.

Emilio Muñoz Guadix is ​​the main figure of this heinous crime

It was in the early 1990s when Emilio and Felisa moved with their five children from Vallecas in Madrid to the commune of Pantoja in Toledo to provide their family with a better future. Little did they know that the former’s childhood friend, Cándido, would also follow in his footsteps, but would then focus on his work as a plumber while the former would earn his living as a delivery driver for a company based in Madrid. However, even at work he was reportedly struggling to make ends meet and that’s when he came up with the idea of ​​kidnapping someone from a wealthy neighborhood.

Supposedly, it was Emilio who planned everything just to involve Candido, which then led them to abduct Anabel while she was at work on April 12, 1993. However, it was only after they forced Anabel into Emilio’s van at knifepoint that they realized They realized they had nowhere to keep her, so they drove around for hours, arguing. According to their testimony, she escaped from a moving vehicle during this period and likely injured herself before being recaptured, so the duo ultimately decided she had seen and heard too much.

They then mutually decided that the best decision for them was to kill her, but they continued with their ransom plan until they became too afraid of getting caught. They actually called her family over 20 times but at the end they gave them so called proof of life but in the recording they sent them it was actually Felisa and not Anabel of course. Therefore, due to the random nature of this heinous crime, it took some time for investigators to complete the investigation, but they finally did in 1995 thanks to public tips, which also led them to find Anabel’s body.

None of Anabel’s attackers are yet in prison

While Emilio and Candido were initially sentenced to 39 years for the crime, Felsia was sentenced to 6 months on charges of concealment, but the Supreme Court soon increased their sentences to 43 years and 28 months respectively. Therefore, Felsia was released from prison relatively quickly, after which she returned with her children and has stayed away from the spotlight since then. As for Candido, he sadly passed away while serving time behind bars in 2009. The cause of his death is unclear at the time of writing. However, some sources suggest that his death was natural, indicating that it was due to his deteriorating health.

As for Emilio, his sentence was influenced by a decision by the European Commission of Human Rights, which changed the way sentences are calculated for serious criminals. As a result, in September 2013, he was released from the Herrera de La Mancha prison, telling the media that he was sorry for his behavior and that his motives were “purely economic.” He also said: “I made a serious mistake, which I accepted from the first moment. I’m sorry, I’m very sorry about what happened. I’ve already said it in court: I would give 10 years of my life for this not to happen. He has since also tried to stay out of the spotlight, although reports suggested he was “very ill” at the time of his release.

Read more: Anabel Segura: How did she die? Who killed her?